It has been a while since I sent an update about our life here near Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México.
Beginning July 1st, we rented a house in a very small village, really part of a rancho, some 15 minute's drive from Pátzcuaro center. Some of you have seen these photos, but here's the link for those who haven't.
Yesterday we received delivery of our refrigerator, gas stove and queen-sized, wooden bed frame, and 2, filled LP cylinders.
Here's the kitchen, afterward. (Since the photo was taken, there have been numerous additions and improvements to the kitchen, but the basic layout is the same.)

While we waited for the furniture store truck to arrive, we carefully unpacked many of the boxes, most of which had remained sealed since our departure from Little Rock, and we placed them in various likely spots in their new home. It was very satisfying and pleasurable to do this.
Today we rest; tomorrow we go early towards Lake Zirahúen and to Rancho Agua Zarca, to pick up the trastero, or china cabinet, on which we put a deposit 3 or 4 weeks ago. We have arranged for a taxi de servicio mixto to haul it to our new house, for the unbelievable sum of $18 USD. I'm hoping it has sufficient capacity to carry the 7-ft long, up to 5 ft. high, and 28 inch deep cabinet.

As you can see from the above photo, the handsome trastero is now in our hallway, after a very succesful trip from its former home. It holds a tremendous amount of clothing, the "wine cellar", and whatnots.
The only thing we lack is closet or armoire space, in which to hang our clothes. We will go to the nearby town of Cuanajo, where the main industry is furniture, and shop for an "armario" or "ropero". We are considering the more economical option of clothes trees, which are considerably cheaper.
If we weren't so busy, I'd take more photos.. The house needs some tidying up before it's ready for occupancy the first week of August.
Now it's August 14th. We picked up our friend, Jimmy, at the Morelia Airport last Tuesday, August 8th, and on Wednesday evening, we moved in. The keys to the move on that date were Jimmy's return and the transfer of the wi-fi antenna and router to the new location. Sr. Bolívar Díaz Galarza and his assistant had the job done in an hour. I plugged in, and it worked from the start.
Yesterday, we completed our move when Jimmy helped maneuver our 12'x6' cargo trailer through tight maneuvers and into our lot. He then skillfully backed it to a location near the rear of the house. We again felt truly at home, as we sat at our oak dining room table an hour later, and had our first, real sit down meal: Chilled Beet-Cabbage and Apple Borscht with horseradish; fresh green bean salad in garlic dressing, fresh peas, and toasted challah.
Here's Susan, enjoying a quiet moment in our living room.

We are already enjoying the tranquility, the spaciousness of the house and the surrounding countryside, clad in different shades of green.
(Updated May 4, 2008. Three year anniversary coming soon.)